MEIDAM – House of Dermatology

Scientific Committee

Dr. Ruaa Al Harithy

Dr. Ruaa Al Harithy
Steering Committee and Chair of Scientific Committee
MEIDAM Africa Conference
General Director of Scientific Programs
The Middle East International Dermatology
& Aesthetic Medicine Association (MEIDAM)
Vice President, Saudi Society of Dermatology and Dermatologic Surgery
Consultant Dermatology
Security Forces Hospital
Riyadh, KSA

Prof. Fatima Z Mernissi

Prof. Fatima Z Mernissi Board Member, MEIDAM Association Vice President of Moroccan Dermatology Society Chairman of Department of Dermatology Director of the Hospital of Specialties Hospital university Hassan II fez Fez, Morocco

Dr. Noureddine Litaiem

Dr. Noureddine Litaiem
General Secretary of the African Society of Dermatology and Venereology (ASDV)
Tunis, Tunisia

Dr. Fatimata Ly

Dr. Fatimata Ly

The President, Senegalese Society of Dermatology-Venereology (SOSEDEV)
Ancienne Interne des Hôpitaux
Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
Médecin-chef du service de Dermatologie
EPS Institut d'Hygiéne Sociale de Dakar
Dakar Fann, Senegal

Prof. Mariame Meziane

Prof. Mariame Meziane Professor of dermatology Ibn Sina University Hospital Rabat, Morocco

Prof. Soumiya Chiheb

Prof. Chiheb Soumiya Université Hassan II, Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Chef de Service de Dermatologie-Vénéréologie CHU Ibn Rochd Casablanca, Morocco

Prof. Leila Benzekri

Prof. Leila Benzekri Head of the Dermatology Department Director of the dermatology research teaching unit, Mohammed V University Ibn Sina University Hospital Rabat, Morocco

Prof. Hjira Nawfal

Dr. Evanson Kamuri

Dr. Evanson Kamuri President, Kenya Association of Dermatologists

Dr. Nohrasco Mangondi

Dr. Nohrasco Mangondi President, Tanzania Society for Dermatovenereology

Prof. Sarah Kourouma

Prof. Sarah Kourouma