MEIDAM – House of Dermatology

Acceptance of Residents Research Presentation (RRP) Abstract

MEIDAM International 2025 (RRP) Submission
(Both Oral & Poster type)

The 10th International Congress of Medical Excellence in Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine provides the perfect opportunity for you to showcase your research and advancements in the field to industry professionals.

Residents Research Presentation (RRP) Abstract Competition is an initiative of MEIDAM Association, and it is open to all dermatology residents currently in training or recently graduated within the last 2 years (Class 2023).

Presenters may choose to present the RRP abstract in the following 3 subcategories as Oral or Poster presentations.

  1. Research Projects
  2. Clinical Cases, or
  3. Updated Reviews.

A) All MEIDAM Association Member & Non-Member residents/trainees are welcome to submit your abstracts .
B) ONLY Residents & Trainees applications will be entertained under this category, rest are requested to please submit under the Standard Abstracts category .
C) POSTER PRESENTERS can present their ideas and original observations of scientific information utilizing narrative material, photographs, charts, diagrams, etc.
D) Provide a letter including proof of your enrollment in any residency program or year of graduation.

  1. Original Research Projects, Clinical Cases, or Updated Reviews about Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine will be prioritized for acceptance.
  2. Abstract Authors may provide consent (approved by all co- authors) for their Accepted Abstract to be filed/recorded by the congress to be made available for use in dissemination as educational content on any MEIDAM association platform deemed necessary by the committee and Board members.
  3. Enter the Title using ‘Sentence case’ and should be brief and self-explanatory. The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study.
  4. Final accepted Presentation must be submitted as PowerPoint for Oral Abstract Presentations onsite
  5. Patient confidentiality must be protected; data/photos must be de-identified.
  6. Research Projects must follow the following format:
    • Title
    • References Introduction: background for the study stating its objective or hypothesis
    • Methods: discussing the design, setting, patients, and interventions
    • Results: test, tables, and illustrations to show the most important findings.
    • Discussion: important aspects of the study and its conclusion.
    • References: original research sources that are directly
  1. Clinical Cases must follow the following format:
    • Title
    • History: brief relevant history and review of systems
    • Examination: detailed clinical findings with good quality photos
    • Investigations: completed relevant work-up
    • Discussion: summary of the diagnosis and its importance to dermatology


  1. Updated Reviews must use the following format (500 words):
    • Title
    • Classic articles supporting the current practice
    • New articles supporting new practice
    • Articles generating clinical controversy
    • Articles showing new experimental approach
    • Articles showing new technological innovation
  1. Presentations must avoid commercialism. Trade names should be avoided.
  2. Time frame is 12 minutes presentation for Oral Presentation (10minutes for content and 2 minutes for questions)
  3. The scientific committee will evaluate the content of each presentation based on the educational value it presents.
  4. Top 3 presentations will be adjudged by Jury Members onsite to be nominated as winners of the 2025 RRP competition and awarded.
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