- All MEIDAM Association Members & Non-Members are welcome to submit your abstracts in any area related to the combined specialty of Dermatology and Aesthetic Medicine. Original research studies will be preferable for Oral Abstracts.
- Residents are requested not to apply under this category. Any Residents abstracts received under this category will be rejected.
- The presenters applying under this category should either be Medical Students, Board Certified dermatologist or a Post Graduation degree equivalent etc.
- Presenters may submit their Abstracts of their latest research on the following topics:
- What’s New in Dermatology
- Hot Topics
- Infectious & Inflammatory Skin Diseases Updates (Acne, Rosacea, Atopic Dermatitis, Eczema, Psoriasis, Hidradenitis Suppurativa, Seborrheic Dermatitis, Granulomatous, Bullous, Blistering Diseases, Vasculitis etc.)
- Lasers and Energy-Based Devices Updates
- Hair, Nail Disorders & Treatment Updates
- Pediatrics Dermatology
- Pigmentary Disorders (Melasma, Vitiligo, Hyperpigmentation, Hypopigmentation, Photodamage, etc.)
- Photo dermatology
- Skin Cancer Updates
- Sexually Transmitted Diseases
- Neglected Tropical Diseases
- Surgical Dermatology
- Wound Healing
- Skin Aging & Longevity
- Tele dermatology
- Aesthetic Dermatology
- Cosmeceuticals
- Fillers and Neuromodulators
- Injectables
- Artificial Intelligence (AI) in dermatology
- Presenters may submit their recent research observations in clinical studies, recent advances, their impact on dermatology practice, innovations & future directions.
- POSTER PRESENTERS can present new ideas and original observations of scientific information for any of the above listed topics utilizing narrative material, photographs, charts, diagrams, etc.
- Original research and Case Series / Reports about Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine will be prioritized for acceptance.
- Abstract Authors may provide consent (approved by all co- authors) for their Accepted Abstract to be filed/recorded by the conference to be made available for use in dissemination as educational content on any MEIDAM association platform deemed necessary by the committee and Board members.
- The abstract text body is limited 500 words including spaces.
- Enter the Title using ‘Sentence case’ and should be brief and self-explanatory. The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to clearly indicate the nature of the study.
- Original research Abstract Submissions should include the following:
- Background
- Aims & Objectives
Clearly state the purpose of the abstract.
- Methods
Describe your selection of observations or experimental subjects clearly.
- Results
Present your results in a logical sequence in text, table and illustrations.
- Conclusions
Emphasize new and important aspects of the study (perhaps as a discussion section) and the conclusions that are drawn from them.
- Case reports and Case series should include the below structure:
- Introduction
- Case report/series
- Discussion
- All abbreviations must be defined in first use. Abstracts are required for all presentations.
- No identifying features such as names of authors, hospitals, medical schools, clinics, or cities may be listed with the TITLE or abstract text, as a “blind” review process will be used as per any Journal publication guidelines if applicable. You will be asked to enter the name(s) of author(s) and their institution(s), when you submit your abstract online whilst completing the Abstract FORM.
- Statements such as “results will be discussed” or “data will be presented” cannot be accepted.
- Use of brand names for all references to products or companies, generic names must be used. The brand name can be inserted as a reference at the bottom of the abstract page. Papers containing brand names/company names in the abstract text (i.e. not in a reference at the bottom of the page) may be rejected for this reason only. Scientific committee reserves the right to replace any brand name with a generic name without further notice.
- Images that are uploaded to follow the abstract are not guaranteed inclusion in the congress materials.
- There are no limitations on the number of abstracts an individual can submit, however a maximum of 2 abstracts for an Oral & a Poster category for the same author can be accepted.